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Batch :
No. 1

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The Balszac Story

Since the 1700's and the Gentlemen Golfer's of Leith taking care of your balls have been a problem.

Theodore “Teddy” Balszac, initial origins unknown, imagined his first products on eastern shore of Scotland sometime in the mid 1700’s. The story as passed down through the generations.

After playing a round one brisk morning with the Gentlemen Golfers of Leith, and having awful shivers sent through his club and throughout his bones every time he hit the ball; he declared. ‘if I could give this a ball a dram of whiskey to warm up…I would.’

 About the fire that evening, eying its flames, and full on a variety of drams himself, he declared, “Alistair …what have we to eat?” However, that very next morning, waking in the same chair and with just a few small embers left in the hearth he asked, ”Alistair, what’s for supper this evening?” but on hearing “haggis”, he ran to the kitchen, grabbed the cleaned and dried Sheep ‘Sac’, put some embers in the bottom and bolted for the golf course.


Balszac produces inspired products for your balls and gear.


Batch :
No. 2

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"The new pickle."

— Postprandial Magazine

Batch :
No. 3

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California natives Petra Frenkel and Gordon Byun are passionate about pickles. Gordon was raised on a steady diet of kimchi in a traditional Korean family. Helping his mom make the spice mixture and prepare the vegetables, he learned from the best. Petra blames her pickle obsession on her parents who migrated to SoCal from New York. Dissatisfied with the L.A. pickle ecosystem, her parents made kosher pickles at home. Petra became a bit of a pickle-snob, but thinks that everyone should eat delicious things, so it’s really more of an egalitarian snobbery.